What Does Home Health Care Do?
The nuanced services of home health care hinge on the homeowner’s individual needs. Some homeowners suffer from dementia and need social stimulation along with reminders. Others need wound care assistance, assistance with mobility and other forms of help.
In extreme cases, home health care provides ongoing 24-hour care ‘round the clock for those who cannot care for themselves yet want to remain in the home rather than transitioning to an assisted care facility. The home health care specialist provides the assistance each patient needs and also serves as a liaison between the patient and the treating doctor, providing timely and informative updates.
Home Health Care Benefits
Skilled home health care is held in high regard by patients and their family members alike as it empowers individuals in need of assistance to remain in the comfort of home. Home health care also provides an invaluable peace of mind as it guarantees someone will be available to help an aging senior or other person in need of assistance. Furthermore, home health care is beneficial to the mind as it stimulates isolated individuals who otherwise might not have someone to talk to.
Types of Home Health Care Services
Home health care services are divided into medical care services and non-medical care services. Medical home health care services, sometimes referred to as skilled care, are provided by nurses, physicians or even physical therapists. These services range from wound care to nutrition therapy, injections, speech therapy and physical therapy.
Alternatively, non-medical care provided through home health care services provides assistance with ADLs, short for the activities of daily living. As an example, non-medical home health care services range from preparing meals to mobility assistance, assistance with dressing, assistance with bathing, housekeeping and running errands.
Who Qualifies For Home Health Care Services?
Home health care services are provided to elderly individuals as well as others in need of assistance so they can remain in their home. If you or a loved one have health problems, mobility challenges or are saddled by another issue that precludes you from living with dignity in the home, do not be afraid to ask for assistance from our home care service providers. From individuals injured on the job to seniors with dementia, those who are on ventilators and beyond, our home health care specialists are here for homeowners of all ages and backgrounds.
Medicare covers home health care in certain situations. If the patient’s doctor certifies him or her as in need of home care and that patient is considered “homebound” as defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, he or she will likely be considered eligible for home health care. However, Medicare limits coverage to specific types of home care, meaning only certain services will qualify.
Medicaid provides coverage for home aide services for individuals who qualify based on their income as well as medical requirements. Some state programs are also available to cover some or all of the cost of home health services. However, plenty of those who receive home health care service obtain it through private insurance coverage. When in doubt, review the terms of your health insurance plan to determine if you qualify for home health care service.
What Does a Home Health Nurse Do on Their Visits?
Home health nurses perform a wide variety of services for patients who want to remain in the home instead of living in a nursing home or other facility. Home health nurses take patient vitals, gauge the patient’s condition, track his or her symptoms, administer treatments and provide medications. A home health care nurse goes to great lengths to tailor care specifically for the patient in question.
Meet with our home health care services providers, tell us what you or your loved one need in terms of home care and we will tailor service accordingly. The aim of our home health nursing service is to maximize your loved one’s comfort and health while he or she remains in the comfort of home for as long as possible.

Quality Health Home Care Provider
If you or a family member are saddled by mobility challenges, health problems, an injury, illness, dementia or a debilitating condition and you do not want to make the transition to a hospital, nursing home or assisted living facility, you should know help is available. Opt for assistance from our quality health home care provider and you’ll find life is that much more enjoyable. Reach out to us today to find out more about how our home health care service can help your family member in need live comfortably without leaving home.