Incontinence Care for the Elderly
There is no shame in admitting you need assistance with your excretory functions. If you are like most people with this problem, you are wondering, “Is urinary incontinence a natural part of aging?” Indeed, incontinence is a normal part of aging. However, living with incontinence does not have to ruin your quality of life.
If you or an elderly loved one are experiencing incontinence, you should know help is available. The main focus of our incontinence care for the elderly is maintaining comfort and personal hygiene. Entrust our home care team for incontinence care and you won’t have to worry about urine or feces compromising your skin. Home care for incontinence includes a washing of the area after accidents for sanitary purposes. The application of a high-quality skin cream will also help maintain the integrity of your skin. Our home care specialists have all the information you need in regard to which skincare creams are best for seniors suffering from incontinence. The purpose of using such specialized creams is to soothe the skin and create a moisture barrier.
Our home care team also takes care of any clothing items that might have been soiled as a result of elderly incompetence. This personal sitter service removes, cleans and replaces such under and overgarments as necessary so you can proceed with the activities of daily life without worry. Our home care service is particularly important for senior citizens who are bedridden or immobile.
Home care service for those suffering from incontinence also ensures the bathroom toilet can be used with ease. If you or the senior in your life struggle to use the bathroom due to incontinence, don’t hide it from our home care team. We will make every effort to alter and enhance the commode to facilitate excretory functionality. Our home care specialists also have extensive knowledge of the foods and beverages that worsen incontinence. Our meal prep service will design meals with your incontinence in mind.
Do not spend one more day dealing with your night and day incontinence on your own. If you have a strong urge to use the bathroom over and over again, the sudden urge to pee when you stand or experience a sudden loss of urine or feces, ask for help! Our incontinence care team is more than ready to step in and lend assistance that greatly improves your quality of life and cleanliness.

4 Types of Incontinence
If you want to learn more about this health issue, do not search the web for “what are the 4 types of incontinence” or something similar. Our team has all the information you need. Overflow incontinence occurs when the body creates more urine than the bladder can contain. If the bladder fills yet can’t empty, it will leak. It is possible the bladder muscles are not squeezing as they did before or something else might impeding the flow. If you suffer from constant dribbling or urinate small amounts, you have overflow incontinence.
Stress incontinence is particularly common in women. This form of urinary incontinence is by far the most common. There is a common misconception that stress incontinence is caused by emotional stress. The truth is excessive strain on the bladder including exercises such as jumping, lifting weights and bending cause this type of incontinence. Obesity and even sneezes or coughs can also lead to stress incontinence.
Functional urinary incontinence is that which arises when a disability or disease makes it challenging to relieve yourself while on the toilet. If your loved one’s Alzheimer’s or arthritis are causing accidents, assistance from our home care team will prove invaluable.
Urgency incontinence, also referred to as “urge” and reflex incontinence, is a condition in which the bladder muscles contract, signaling the need to use the restroom in spite of the fact that there is little-to-nothing in the bladder. This type of incontinence can lead to accidents or a strong urge to urinate. Physical issues ranging from nerve problems to spinal damage or even a bladder infection are the cause of urgency incontinence.
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Caring for Someone With Incontinence
Let’s shift our attention to how to deal with elderly incontinence. You should not have to provide the entirety of care for your loved one struggling with incontinence. Extreme elderly incontinence is one of the top reasons to transition a parent or grandparent to a nursing home. However, we can prevent such a scenario with our incontinence care service.
Even if you or your family member are unwilling to wear protective underwear or padding, it is still possible to enjoy a decent quality of life with the assistance of our home care providers. We will communicate strategies to prevent a worsening of incontinence, suggest products to prevent incontinence frequency and change clothes and bedding as necessary.
A home care specialist will also help you make it to the bathroom in time to relieve yourself. In some situations, helping seniors cope with this health problem is more important than anything else we can do. Listen closely as our team shares advice for incontinence prevention and you might make gradual improvement.
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Incontinence Products for Seniors
Even the most stubborn of senior citizens should consider the merits of incontinence products. Instead of investing hours searching the web for such products, consider the helpful items detailed below. One or several of these products will prove quite helpful in addition to home care provided by our friendly medical professionals.
You might not be enthusiastic about the prospect of wearing adult diapers yet they have the potential to make a massive difference in your quality of life. Adult diapers are available in a plethora of types, styles and sizes. Such padding will absorb your waste without anyone knowing. You can head out into public or stay in your home while wearing your adult diapers.
Overnight underwear proves that much more absorbency than conventional daytime diapers. This variety of underwear holds comparably more liquid, meaning it is optimal for use during the night when you suffer leakage or simply do not want to get out of bed to use the restroom.
Sheet protectors are another one of the most popular incontinence products for seniors. Such protectors are comprised of cotton and polyester in the form of a pad that absorbs liquid atop bed sheets. This protector will keep your bed sheets dry no matter what.

Privacy and Dignity in Continence Care
If you are ashamed of your incontinence, you should know our home care services providers are not judgmental. We respect your right to privacy. Just as important is our sincere desire for all home care patients to live with dignity. If you are constantly wetting or soiling yourself, your quality of life will suffer. Take the intelligent approach to incontinence by reaching out to our home care providers for confidential incontinence assistance that greatly improves your quality of life.
You might not be enthusiastic about the prospect of wearing adult diapers yet they have the potential to make a massive difference in your quality of life. Adult diapers are available in a plethora of types, styles and sizes. Such padding will absorb your waste without anyone knowing. You can head out into public or stay in your home while wearing your adult diapers.
Overnight underwear proves that much more absorbency than conventional daytime diapers. This variety of underwear holds comparably more liquid, meaning it is optimal for use during the night when you suffer leakage or simply do not want to get out of bed to use the restroom.
Sheet protectors are another one of the most popular incontinence products for seniors. Such protectors are comprised of cotton and polyester in the form of a pad that absorbs liquid atop bed sheets. This protector will keep your bed sheets dry no matter what.